The untold origin story of Optimus Prime and Megatron, best known as sworn enemies but once friends bonded as brothers who changed the fate of Cybertron forever. Chris Hemsworth, Keegan-Michael Key, Brian Tyree Henry and director Josh Cooley discuss Megatron’s original name, D-16, is a reference to the Japanese serial number of the original Generation 1 Megatron toy released by Takara in 1984. The letter D is short for Destron, the Japanese name for the Decepticons used in older media, while the number 16 denoted the original Megatron toy as the sixteenth release in the Japanese toy line. When the Iacon 5000 competitors transform for the race, a purple Transformer jet already has a pair of red light effects floating behind its back, attached to nothing, before it transforms into a jet.. Elita -1: Why is B gagged? Shockwave: He wouldn’t stop talking. Elita -1: Even when he was unconscious? Shockwave: ESPECIALLY when he was unconscious!. There are two scenes worth watching in the credits. One is in the mid-credits, featuring Badassitron, and the other is of Megatron at the end of the credits. Several international releases of the film (including the UK) are edited to cut Orion’s “finger transformation” a few seconds earlier, as well as changing any mention of the “knife hands” to refer to them as “sword hands” instead. It is likely that Paramount pre-edited the film for these territories. Featured in Crazy Cartoon Cast: Theaters Fighting Trolls (2020). If I Fall Written by Brian Tyler, Quavo (as Quavious Keyate Marshall), Ty Dolla $ign (as Tyrone “Ty Dolla $ign” Griffin, Jr.) Nicholas James McGuinn Portrayed by Quavo, Ty Dolla $ign & Are We DreamingProduced by Are We DreamingWhen appears courtesy of Quality Control Music/Motown RecordsTy Dolla $ign appears courtesy of Atlantic Recording Corporation. Transformers One is not a cliché, nor is it a typical story where we see the often superficial battle between good and evil that prevails in most films. Here, we finally have a story told in a fantastic way. We get to see what Optimus and Megatron were like when they were nobodies. Optimus’ noble character is brilliantly portrayed, along with his sacrifice, hope and desire for something greater. On the other hand, Megatron is portrayed as a depressed figure who, after learning the truth, becomes increasingly bitter and full of hatred as he gains more power. As his power grows, the paths of these two friends diverge more and more. Optimus Prime is rewarded for his nobility, while Megatron is consumed by extreme hatred. The film is very well written, without forced humor, and the humor that is present works perfectly. Additionally, the other characters in the film have depth and personality, which makes this animated film seem much more serious than it might initially appear. All in all, it is a film that you will certainly enjoy.